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Why we love WebVR custom branded VR experiences.

We’ve long been a fan of the free and open web at DODOcase VR. As the first member of the Works with Google Cardboard program in 2014, we quickly understood that bringing droves content to VR was a critical to the growth of the market. This is not only important to smartphone VR, but also to home based systems such as Oculus and HTC Vive. In 2014, we successfully funded our DIY VR campaign to invest in Open Source tools being developed by Tony Parisi. To us and many of our custom branded VR partners, WebVR has been an amazingly efficient development platform.

We’ve been excited by the amount of work being done by the Mozilla team on their A-Frame WebVR platform (a web framework for building interactive virtual reality experiences) and the work SketchFab has been doing to build a large community of real time assets. Mozilla and SketchFab recently concluded their first Real-Time Design Challenge inspiring members of the SketchFab community to stretch their skills and create Medieval Fantasy scenes.

The grand prize winner was taking home a VR ready laptop and an Oculus Rift headset. All participants walked away with a limited edition Mozilla / SketchFab custom branded virtual reality viewer.

DODOcase VR was selected as a partner to provide custom branded google cardboard headsets to the participants.

Even More Reasons Why We Love WebVR Custom Branded VR Experiences – An Update Since November 2017!

In November of last year, we offered you the following information about WebVR as well as an exciting competition designed by Mozilla and SketchFab to create unique medieval towns and settings with their combined technologies:

We’ve long been a fan of the free and open web at DODOcase VR. As the first member of the Works with Google Cardboard program in 2014, we quickly understood that bringing droves content to VR was a critical to the growth of the market. This is not only important to smartphone VR, but also to home based systems such as Oculus and HTC Vive. In 2014, we successfully funded our DIY VR campaign to invest in Open Source tools being developed by Tony Parisi. To us and many of our custom branded VR partners, WebVR has been an amazingly efficient development platform.

We’ve been excited by the amount of work being done by the Mozilla team on their A-Frame WebVR platform (a web framework for building interactive virtual reality experiences) and the work SketchFab has been doing to build a large community of real time assets. Mozilla and SketchFab recently concluded their first Real-Time Design Challenge inspiring members of the SketchFab community to stretch their skills and create Medieval Fantasy scenes.

The grand prize winner was taking home a VR ready laptop and an Oculus Rift headset. All participants walked away with a limited-edition Mozilla / SketchFab custom branded virtual reality viewer.

DODOcase VR was selected as a partner to provide custom branded google cardboard headsets to the participants.

Update to the Story

Are you curious about the winners of that contest? They were listed at the SketchFab website and included Wrath of the Dragon by Fabian Orrego, Middle Ages Mine by Vladislav Laryushin, and the top prize went to Baba Yaga’s Hut by Inuciian. There were so many entries and such impressive work that they also chose a fourth and fifth place prize winner and a long list of runners up, too.

And since last year, WebVR has expanded its list of headsets that developers can use to create their own VR experiences. Google Cardboard and Daydream, HTC Vive, Viveport, Playstation VR, Windows Mixed Reality, Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift headsets are addressed on the site. Yet developers or would-be developers can also get started with Google Cardboard, and even without headsets or goggles can enjoy 360 degree views.

What Can YOU Do With This Tech?

It is impossible to argue with the simple fact that VR is here to stay and that it is going to begin appearing more and more often in everything from VR games and apps to standard web experiences. Whether it is used to deliver tours in real estate properties for sale, take you through alternative realities, or make games far more intense than ever imagined, it is already designed to partner up with many phones and devices.

The point to consider here is that so many people are designing VR experiences and so many marketers looking for ways to use it that you’ll want to have devices available as promotional products for your audience. Whether you use a VR ad or app to introduce viewers to the benefits of your product or service or you add a bit of gaming or entertainment to your marketing plans, you’ll want to be the one who supplied the tech. Goggles are still pricey and so cardboard, branded goggles are the next best thing. Associating your brand with the fun, excitement and innovation of the VR world is easy and with DODOCase VR, you can jump right into this platform and ensure your audience helps spread the word each time they enter the virtual world wearing your branded goggles.

If you are ready to find out how to use branded VR goggles as a premium form of marketing, consider getting in touch with DODOCase VR for some design options and solutions.

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